Bauska municipality – “Municipality is thankful to KS “BaltCap Latvia Investments” and partners – “Anaerobic Holdings”, “Agro Iecava”, “RZS Energo”, “AD Biogāzes Stacija”, “Energia Verde ziedo”, “Graanul Invest companies Latgran”, “Graanul Invest”, “Graanul Pellets”, “Fortum”, “AJ Power”, “Enertek Jēkabpils” and “Enertek Krustpils”, “Latgales Dārzeņi (Mežvidi)” and “Labochema”, which have granted money for protective equipment and have provided needed purchase!”
Iecava municipality – “Self-government is thankful to all businessmen and investors for opportunity to receive such valuable and needed endowment, that will be appreciated by residents. During the month information about needed protective equipment circulated around national authorities and municipalities, this endowment is first that municipalities actually receive.”
Rauna municipality – “is thankful par COVID-19 protective equipment donations.”
Rugāji municipality – “Local-government appreciate all businessmen and investors who provided opportunity to receive such valuable and needed endowment, that will be appreciated by residents. During the month information about needed protective equipment circulated around national authorities and municipalities, this endowment is first that municipalities actually receive. This is significant support for social workers, municipal police, employees of family courts and others to do their job duties protected in the service to residents.”
Skrīveri municipality – ““Thanks to all businessmen for given support, that is priceless,” says Diāna Bebre-Kondrāte.”