To give necessary support in the state of emergency company BaltCap with 70 partners gives protective aids to municipalities worth 125 000 euros from companies own initiative. The most of protective equipment was obtained rapidly and will be given out to municipalities today, on 17th of April.
Municipalities will receive in total 20 000 respirators, 30 000 face masks, 90 000 gloves, 120 000 shoe covers, 25 000 medical head caps and 3000 glasses. Company BaltCap obtained protective aids from Europe and grant their quality. This is the first supply of protective equipment that municipalities have received since the state of emergency was announced in Latvia.
Since Covid-19 has spread rapidly around the world, protective equipment has become shortage. To protect various people for infection in their daily jobs, Latvia is still in need for protective aids.
“It’s crucial to act rapidly to limit virus from spreading. It is not possible to have social distancing everywhere, that is way it’s not possible to go on without protective equipment. We work in many districts and we see that many employees of municipalities contact with potential virus carriers, state does not provide protective aids. That is way I’m very satisfied that together with other supporters from renewable energy fields and with help of Latvijas Pašvaldības Savienība (LPS), we were able to obtain minimal basic equipment rapidly,” points out BaltCup investment director Matīss Paegle.
Since the first day of announcements of the state of emergency, municipalities work to ensure government declared restrictions and continue to give support and services to residents. Employees of municipalities and capital communities assist people in person every day, that is why it is important to do these duties in save manner and protect self and other for infection. Latvijas Pašvaldību savienības appreciate BaltCap initiative and is grateful for successful cooperation in understanding needs of municipalities and in process of obtaining equipment together,” says LPS chairman Gints Kaminskis.
Municipalities are grateful to all businessman and investors for opportunity to receive such valuable and needed endowment, that will be appreciated by residents. During the month information about needed protective equipment circulated around national authorities and municipalities, this endowment is first that municipalities actually receive. This is significant support for social workers, municipal police, employees of family courts and others to do their job duties protected in they service to residents.
BaltCap partners have donated means to obtain protective aids: Anearobic Holdings,
Agro Iecava, RZS Energo, AD Biogāzes stacija un Energia Verde give away 60 000 euros, Graanul Invest companies Latgran, Graanul Invest and Graanul Pallets – 45 000 euros, Fortum – 10 000 euros, AJ Power – 3000 euros, Enertek 1, Jēkabpils and Krustpils – 3000 euros, Latgales dārzeņi (Mežvidi) – 750 euros. BaltCap company Labochema ensured equipment deliveries.
Additional information:
Matīss Paegle
Investment Director
Jaunmoku iela 34, Rīga LV 1046, Latvija
Phone: +371 26688868
E-mail: Matiss.Paegle@baltcap.com www.baltcap.com
Liene Užule
Communication division executive
Latvijas Pašvaldību savienība
Mobile phone : +371 26519920 Liene.uzule@lps.lv www.lps.lv